Schedule a teledentistry appointment with our dentists! If you or your loved one has a more serious dental problem, or you believe that you may need more than preventive care to keep your smile healthy, Dr. Jacob Zurcher or Dr. Drew Thuerer can meet with you via phone for a consultation. This virtual appointment allows you to receive a diagnosis and a more detailed treatment plan to meet your needs. Teledentistry also helps save time so that you can begin your treatment process more quickly.

If you need teledentistry our dental hygienist will meet with you in your home to gather all the information needed for our dentists, such as X-rays, intraoral photos and clinical notes regarding the condition of your teeth and mouth. Our dentists will then access this information through our cloud-based dental software to make a diagnosis. We can then schedule an appointment over the phone to discuss your options and make recommendations for your treatment. Depending on your needs we can then help you make an appointment with your dentist or with our Journey Dental dentists within a private practice office where you can receive the treatments you need.

Please submit your teledentistry appointment request using the form below or speak with our dental hygienist, Ashlee Syme, to schedule your appointment.

Request Appointment

If you have any questions about teledentistry in the Salt Lake Valley, Utah, area or would like to schedule an in-home appointment with a personal hygienist, please contact our office at 801-477-6333.